Why Funerals (still) Matter

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In this day and age some folks ask the question: Do funerals really matter?

The answer is YES, they absolutely still do. For one reason or another, it seems that all of the beauty, tradition, and ritual that used to be important to everyone has slowly waned – but why?

One reason might be the growing rates of cremation. Often times people don’t realize that they can choose cremation if they wish and still have a traditional funeral service that honors their loved one. There are host of other reasons as well, but today let’s focus on why funerals matter.

Regardless of the type of service you choose, honoring the life and recognizing that someone you loved has departed, is important. Funerals are a significant way to honor the life of a loved one.

Whether you choose to have a funeral or a memorial is up to you and/or the final wishes of your loved one, but either way having a ceremony honors our loved ones who have passed on and the ritual that is included can aid in the grieving.


Funerals Affirm the Life

Loss and Legacy of the Deceased Funerals are a time for friends and family to affirm the life of the deceased. To express who they were, what they accomplished, lives they touched, and talk about the legacy that was left behind. It is a time for loved ones to come together to mourn the deceased, show love and respect, and support one another.

Funerals Provide a Sort of Closure

Funerals also help reinforce the reality of the loved ones death. This may sounds a bit simplistic but if you have ever suffered a significant, traumatic, or sudden/unexpected loss you probably felt the whole situation was a bit surreal. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be times when you are sitting in your living room feeling the sense that your loved one will be walking through the door at any minute. Nor will it save you from those times when you find yourself turning and speaking to your loved one out of the blue to ask a questions or explain something, only to find when you turn around that they are not there.

Funerals certainly don’t save you from the grieving process that we must are endure. They do, however, help loved ones begin the grieving and healing process that follows.

Ritual Provides a Sense of Order

The familiar, helps to provide a sense of order. Depending on culture, creed, and family traditions – a funeral will look a bit different for everyone and the ritual involved can vary greatly from family to family.

The ritual involved in planning a service, and making the decisions necessary to make it meaningful, can help with the disconnect that some people feel when a loved one dies. Denial of the reality of death can be strong but going through the motions tells the head what the heart is having trouble accepting.


Advance Funeral Planning will protect you from the rising cost of prices, and it will not be a financial burden on your loved ones. When you plan ahead you know that your wishes will be fulfilled.

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